Friends of Nablus and Surrounding Areas
جمعية اصدقاء نابلس وما حولها ״فونسا״

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Nablus visit 2022

Four trustees of FONSA visited Nablus in November 2022 to meet our partners and to review current activities.

Two FONSA trustees were leaders of the nine-strong Dundee-Nablus Twinning Association delegation.  The group met many significant members of the Nablus community. 

Masa from the Witness Centre listed and described their work to deliver FONSA projects. She covered planting olive trees, paying FONSA student fees to the local universities for nurses, midwives and other students, Coronavirus seedlings, environmental improvements and training courses in media skills.

Five Dundee trades unionists also visited Nablus at this time to develop links with their fellow trades unions in Palestine.

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Text: Ceasefire now
FONSA Administrator

Ceasefire Now!

FONSA has joined with other organisations to call for a focus on humanitarian concerns. Stopping violence is an immediate need. Current events are having a

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