Friends of Nablus and Surrounding Areas
جمعية اصدقاء نابلس وما حولها ״فونسا״

Sponsorship and Fundraising for FONSA

Events and activities represent a great way to raise money for FONSA. They can also be a way to tell people about the work of FONSA and the reasons why its work is worthwhile.

Participating in Organised Events

If you are taking part in an event, you can raise money for FONSA through sponsorship. You can collect donations from sponsors online (or through cash and cheques).

Sponsorship via Credit and debit card payments

The easiest option is to encourage your sponsors to donate online by using their credit or debit card. This is straightforward for you and the donors. It all works through our Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) web pages.

Please contact us for advice or need to discuss anything.

Collecting donations as cash or cheques

If some (or all) of your sponsors want to pay in cash or by cheque you can send it as soon as possible after the event to the FONSA Treasurer at the address below. Please do all you can to get the information needed for Gift Aid because this increases the donation value by 25% without any extra cost for you.

Running an event yourself

You can organise an event yourself and raise money for FONSA. This is also made easy by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF).

The event could be:

  • A race or similar participation event
  • A personal or group event such as walking a set distance
  • A personal challenge – such as growing a beard, losing weight, giving up smoking
  • Almost anything!

Contact us for advice or if you want to discuss anything.

Cash donations

If you raise sponsorship through cash, we can send you a suitable form to use. All money raised must be sent as soon as possible to the FONSA Treasurer at the address below. Please do all you can to get the information needed for Gift Aid because this increases the donation value by 25% without any extra cost for you.

FONSA Events

If you want to host a meeting about Nablus, FONSA or the situation in Palestine, please contact us. The Trustees are happy to give advice and will, wherever possible, come to talk about the work of the charity and the reasons why its work is required.

To discuss an event please email us at

Gift Aid

If you are running an event please do all you can to ensure that we can collect the Gift Aid on donations. There are a few simple rules:

  • Only UK taxpayers are eligible
  • The taxpayer must give consent
  • We must have their name and home address

Gift aid gives us 25% extra without any extra cost so it is well worthwhile collecting the information.

We can supply forms to help you collect Gift Aid information for donors paying in cash.

When donations are collected through the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), all the essential questions are automatically asked so all you need to do is to encourage your sponsors to give the information if they are eligible.

Choose FONSA for your sponsorship

Whether you want to organise your own event, participate in an existing event, or raise money in memory of a friend or relative, we would welcome your efforts.

Please contact us if you would like advice or need to discuss anything.

Contact FONSA

Please send all correspondence about donations to:

FONSA Treasurer
26 Tay Street

Or email us at