FONSA has planted 200 trees in Huwara and Beita. These villages are to the south of Nablus in an area which faces continuous difficulties with several nearby illegal Israeli settlements.
The trees are designed to help the village by making use of the land, providing food and income.
Please donate so we can plant even more olive trees in Nablus villages.

Settlements and their impact
Since the 1967 Six Day War, Israel has held Nablus (and the whole West Bank) under military occupation. During this period, Israel has built many settlements in the West Bank. These are illegal under International Law (Fourth Geneva Convention) and have been specifically condemned by UN resolutions (e.g. Security Council Resolution 2334 adopted in 2016).
Israeli settlers live in the West Bank under Israeli Civil Law while Palestinians are subject to Israeli Military Law. This discrimination amounts to apartheid. One consequence is that Israeli settlers – often living very close to Palestinian communities – commit illegal acts (such as chopping down olive trees) but are rarely prosecuted or penalised.
Palestinians have been denied their inalienable rights to self-determination for over 50 years.